Minelab EQUINOX 800 Multi-IQ Metal Detector with Pro-Find 20 Pinpointer.
IncludesRepresenting our most significant coin & treasure introduction since the launch of the CTX 3030 in 2012, Minelab is pleased to announce the release of the new EQUINOX Series Metal Detectors.
The EQUINOX Series is the all-terrain multi-purpose detector that obsoletes all single frequency VLF detectors. Equally adaptable for all target types and ground conditions… just select your detecting location and go!
The EQUINOX Series has been designed for the serious coin & treasure enthusiast looking to upgrade to a high performance detector, without the high cost. It’s also suitable for the new detectorist, having several pre-set modes for different detecting locations. The EQUINOX Series features Minelab’s STATE-OF-THE ART Multi-IQ simultaneous multi-frequency technology and combines fast recovery speed with low-latency wireless audio in a lightweight waterproof platform.
Features残り 1 点 94120.00円
(70 ポイント還元!)
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お届け日: 発送日目安は1~2日後 (明日12:00のご注文まで)
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